In Kianda we are open for transfers in the classes that have vacancies and Grade 1, 2026.
The application procedure is as follows:
(Mpesa PayBill: 34104. Account: Daughter’s Name.)
Once the application has been sent to the Admissions Secretary, you will receive a confirmation and your daughter will be given a reference number.
Details about the Entry Assessment will be sent by email.
The deadline to apply is Monday 30th June 2025.
Admissions Secretary, Kianda School
P.O. Box 48328 – 00100 GPO
Tel: 0716 875838, mobile: 0721 547572, 0733 846959
In Kianda we are open for transfers in the classes that have vacancies and Grade 1, 2026.
The application procedure is as follows:
(Mpesa PayBill: 34104. Account: Daughter’s Name.)
Once the application has been sent to the Admissions Secretary, you will receive a confirmation and your daughter will be given a reference number.
Details about the Entry Assessment will be sent by email.
The deadline to apply is Monday 30th June 2025.
Admissions Secretary, Kianda School
P.O. Box 48328 – 00100 GPO
Tel: 0716 875838, mobile: 0721 547572, 0733 846959
Kianda Entrance Test
Should your daughter be successful in the entrance exam (English and Mathematics) then parents and daughter will be invited for an oral interview. Admission depends on the written and oral interviews.
The purpose of the interview process is to help prospective parents get to know the school and the input Kianda School expects of them. Parents will be informed by the Admissions Office of the outcome of the interviews. Once a place is offered, it is booked by paying Term 1 fees.
All applications to be addressed to:
Admissions Secretary
Kianda School
P.O. Box 48328 – 00100 GPO
Tel: 020 807 7381, Mobile: 0733 846 959