Chaplaincy Time Table
Confessions Staff & Students Monday to Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm
Confessions Parents Monday to Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm
Wednesday 4.00pm - 6.30pm
Confessions Staff & Students During mass at 12.00 Noon - 12.45pm
Mass; Monday to Friday 12.10pm and Wednesdays 9.00pm
Monthly Ladied Recollection 3rd saturday - Kianda School Chapel
2 Thursday - Faida Center
Evening Recollection for ladies 4th Thursday - Kianda School Chapel
5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

From the Parenting Office

The Parenting Course program is likely designed to guide parents through the various stages of their children’s development.

It also covers a range of topics, from early childhood development and character building to the challenges and opportunities of adolescence and the importance of family values.

It also emphasizes the need for strong communication and a healthy balance between freedom and responsibility as children grow.

Specific topics mentioned include:

  • Grade 1: Stages of childhood development and character building
  • Grade 2: Married love, authentic love, communication, work-life balance, and the influence of relationships and friends
  • Grade 4: Golden years of childhood, temperaments, leisure time, flourishing, authority, and responsibility
  • Grade 5: Adolescence, educating for love, freedom, social media, and family value
  • Grade 8: Teenage values, self-control, and development of intellectual values
  • Form 3: Growth of personality

This program is to be designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools they need to support their children’s healthy development at every stage. Parent-teacher meetings, i.e., oneon-one sessions, are also held on a termly basis.

Tutorial Department - Kianda School

A unique feature of Kianda School is its Tutorial System through which students receive personal attention at all levels. Tutors maintain close contact with parents, thus involving them in their children’s education. Each student is assigned a tutor, who meets the student twice a month and the parents of the student at least once a term. Among the aims of the tutorials is to support and monitor the student’s academic progress. However, the tutorials are not restricted to academics, and usually extend to cover other aspects of life, providing a means of guidance and character building in an atmosphere of mutual esteem.

Grade 1 Application Procedure

Those who would like their daughters to come to Kianda School in Grade 1 should bring the following documents:

  • A filled in application form which is can be downloaded from the following link:
  • An application letter
  • A copy of your daughter’s Birth certificate
  • A school report or recommendation letter from their kindergarten’s Head Teacher
  • 1 recent passport photograph of your daughter.
  • A copy of the receipt for payment of a non-refundable application fee, Ksh. 2000/=

Link to the Application

All the above documents should be brought to the school by 30th June 2023

Assessment Test: 22nd July 2023.

All successful students will be invited for an oral interview with their parents.

All applications to be addressed to:

Admissions Secretary
Kianda School
P.O. Box 48328 – 00100 GPO

Tel: 020 807 7381, Mobile: 0733 846 959
