English Public Speaking

  • February 7, 2024

In the immortal words of Maya Angelou, people may forget what you did, and what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel. The same can be said in regards to each of the eight public speakers who represented their classes. Their words may not be engraved in stone, but the feeling of all that they said will forever live on in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to attend. The English Public Speaking Competition took place on the Friday the 2nd of February in the school hall beginning at 2:40PM. The topic at hand, “A better world starts with a better me” was one that was expertly navigated by each of the speakers. They brought out the thought provoking ideologies of what one’s purpose is to the world and how one must better themselves so as to be of service to the world. As said by one of the speakers, “We are all just tiny parts of a larger system”, yet each part of the system plays a key role in the functioning of the system. Each of the speakers exemplified poise and grace while showcasing eloquence and skill that was captivating to say the least. The speeches did not only cause great levels of introspection but were funny, entertaining and motivational. Every speech caused great thought, reflection, laughter and motivation. We were not only able to enjoy wonderful public speaking but also got the chance to witness wonderful showcases of vocal talent as some of the speakers ended their speeches with songs, such as, “Man in the mirror” by Michael Jackson. The competition was judged by 2 external adjudicators, one whom was our very own Kianda alumna, Tracy Wachira as well as a nationwide adjudicator, a Mr. Calvin Adwar. The event was in all “more than just a moment but a movement. “Each of the speakers made their class prouder than words can truly express and as was said by one of the speakers, “The world deserves us at our best” and each of the speakers were surely at their best. “They did not wait for permission but acted with ambition”, as was said by one of the wonderful speakers. In all it was an event that is not likely to be forgotten and the lessons learnt there are sure to be echoed throughout the halls of not just Kianda but of our lives. To all who participated, your words mean more to all who listened than you will probably ever know, and to those who would like to participate in the future, let me put it in the words of this year’s winner Zinzi Njau; JUST DO IT! (nike)