Kianda School Scholarship Project
Kianda Foundation celebrated 50 years of service to Kenya in 2011, having been started in 1961 with a focus on the education of women.
One of the Foundation’s Projects, Kianda School, started in 1977, today has over three decades of experience in educating girls to be good citizens and economic movers. Many of its past students are in key management and civic positions in Kenya and abroad.
Over the years, the Kianda School management has been solely responsible for finding funds to offer bursaries and scholarships to bright but needy girls. This has often been challenging and unsustainable. Consequently, a cross section of parents got together and decided to come up with a permanent solution as a way of celebrating the 50 years of the Foundation – an Endowment Fund whose target is 200 million. The proceeds of this Fund would allow the School to offer scholarships in a sustainable manner, thus offering an opportunity to many gifted girls to learn and prosper.
The brand name for the Scholarship Fund is PEPERUKA, a Swahili word which means ‘to soar up’. This applies both for the girls on scholarship and for their able colleagues, to move on to a new level of education and personal development. The Parents Fundraising Committee set a goal to the school body to build a ‘Scholarship Wall with 2,000 blocks. Each scholarship block is Ksh 50,000. Each family that buys a scholarship block is named a Peperuka Champion Family.
Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta First Lady of the Republic of Kenya and alumnus of Kianda School was named Patron of the Kianda School Peperuka Endowment Fund. The ceremony took place at the School during the Peperuka Cocktail reception on Monday 5th August 2013
For more information, please contact:
After passing my KCPE examination in Toy Primary School, I got an admission letter to Nembu Girls. My parents could not afford to take me there and I knew that it was the end of my education. I then applied for and was selected for a scholarship in Kianda School. When I joined Kianda I was very impressed by the way people were so gentle and they spoke English, which I was not used to. In Toy Primary we spoke Sheng since most of us were from Kibera. At the beginning I was very quiet and reserved, pitying my background, but after performing well in Form One and with the help of the tutorial sessions, I was able to overcome all those challenges and get focused. Being in Kianda was a great opportunity as it has made me get clarity of vision, appreciate hard work and dream big. Before Kianda I did not have a vision. Being the fourth born in our home with the older ones not having gone far with their education, and the environment of Kibera, I did not have anyone to emulate. Further, I appreciate the values instilled in me at Kianda. They have become my stepping stones in all I do. I joined the school choir and singing helped me build confidence. I am currently in Strathmore University under a scholarship programme studying a degree in Hospitality Management. Being in a day school has impacted my age mates and neighbours as they have seen my transformation over the last 5 years. Ihave been able to pass on what I have learnt to others in my community. Peperuka scholars graduates, thank you to the donors.
After Class 8 I got an admission letter to join State House girls. My parents could not have afforded State House Girls so they quickly got me a cheaper school in the village. In the meantime, my application for a Scholarship at Kianda School came through and I was so excited. I must say this: Kianda School takes the time to get to know you as a person and bring out the best in you despite your circumstances. When I joined Form One it was not easyfor me to talk to people; first because I was not confident and second, because everyone spoke English and I was not used to this. to persevere in my studies despite the challenges. If I had not passed my KCSE well enough to make it tothe regular programme, I would not have gone to university education (art) in English literature. I am currently a 2nd year student at Masinde Muliro University studying a Bachelor of Through the Tutorial system, I was taught how to interact with other girls and to speak confidently in public. Kianda also helped me build my singing talent. I will never forget my first public solo performance! Kianda taught me how to work hard and how.
I would like to thank Kianda School with all my heart for the impact you have made in my life and the lives of all the other girls who have passed through the Peperuka Scholarship Scheme. Today, I am who I am because Kianda took time to mould me through its quality education and also through the well-designed formation program. I will forever be indebted to Kianda School. My gratitude is extended to all my teachers who taught us selflessly,wholeheartedly and my Tutor, who spent many hours helping me to gel into the new school culture and high standards. I am currently pursuing CPA in Strathmore University under a Scholarship programme after which I will pursue a Bachelor of Commerce (Exempt) option in the regular program. I would not be where I am if it were not for the seed patiently sown in me, which is already bearing fruit. Thank you for your love, support and dedication.
This made me realise that everyone has something to give and that despite my family’s financial situation, I could still help others. I am currently at the University of Nairobi studying a Bachelors in Commerce. After passing KCPE, I got an admission letter to Parklands Girls but my disappointment came when it became clear that my parents could not afford to take me there. Kianda’s Peperuka scholarship came just in time. The friendly atmosphere in Kianda helped me to blend in well. Apart from academics I was able to acquire soft skills and my personality blossomed under the guidance of the teachers and my Tutor. Then, I didn’t think I stood out, but now, at the University, I realise that I learnt so much and I really appreciate what Kianda gave me. The culture of Kianda School is so unique and it makes you outstanding in the ordinary things you have to do every day. While in Kianda I learnt to give my time to others through the Social Work programs organised during the holidays.
After Class 8, I got an admission letter to Aga Khan High School. My parents could not have afforded it but the Peperuka scholarship at Kianda School saved the day. In my first year at Kianda, I was scared and a little intimidated, but with time and after attending the talks of formation and tutorials, I was able to get out of myself and focus better on my studies. The unique feature I found in Kianda is the way the system seeks to develop the students in an all-round way. It’s not all just about books! The student-teacher relationship and the school environment were very welcoming. Kianda helped me grow inall ways, but most impacting in my life is the idea that work is a form of worship, which I have carried with me. The Public Speaking Club and Leadership courses helped me overcome my shyness. Due to all these aspects, I have been able to integrate well at the university. I am in University of Nairobi as a regular student, studying a Bachelors in Biology and under Scholarship programme in Strathmore University studying CPA, in the evening classes. Kianda gave my dreams shape and names.
I went to Gatina Primary School in Kangemi. My parents would not have managed to take me through High school comfortably without me being in and out of the school. So, I was so happy when I qualified to be a Peperuka scholar. When I joined Kianda School, I noted that everybody is treated equally and this made me feel very comfortable. During my time in Kianda, I would go to Gatina Primary School during the holidays to give inspirational talks to the upper classes and to encourage the students to work hard and to have dreams for a better future. I would also give them talks on virtues, which we were given in Kianda. These virtues have been a great help in my campus life. I learnt spirit of service in Kianda and I always feel willing to help others where I can, because I have also received help as a scholarship student. Currently during weekends and when I am on holiday,I volunteer for an NGO that takes care of orphans. I am currently at the University of Nairobi studying a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Psychology and Performing Arts in the regular programme.
After my KCPE my family was relieved to learn that I got a scholarship to join Kianda. It was a great opportunity for me. The Kianda environment was very conducive for my personal development. At first I was so timid about interacting with people from very different social backgrounds and I wondered if I would ever fit in. But I must say through the talks and tutorials sessions given to us, I was able to fit in comfortably and to become shockingly confident and bold. Studying at Kianda School has made me know the value of hard work and integrity in all I do. I was also taught to have a balanced life where all aspects are developed. I thank my tutor for journeying with me to bring out the best in me. Getting the chance to be in Kianda made me realize that my background situation does not define or dictate who I am; it has helped me rise above the bar. I am currently in Strathmore University studying a Bachelor of Commerce benefiting from the KIVA loan. I have gotten the chance to change my family’s history.
After passing my KCPE examination in Toy Primary School, I got an admission letter to Nembu Girls. My parents could not afford to take me there and I knew that it was the end of my education. I then applied for and was selected for a scholarship in Kianda School. When I joined Kianda I was very impressed by the way people were so gentle and they spoke English, which I was not used to. In Toy Primary we spoke Sheng since most of us were from Kibera. At the beginning I was very quiet and reserved, pitying my background, but after performing well in Form One and with the help of the tutorial sessions, I was able to overcome all those challenges and get focused. Being in Kianda was a great opportunity as it has made me get clarity of vision, appreciate hard work and dream big.
Before Kianda I did not have a vision. Being the fourth born in our home with the older ones not having gone far with their education, and the environment of Kibera, I did not have anyone to emulate. Further, I appreciate the values instilled in me at Kianda. They have become my stepping stones in all I do. I joined the school choir and singing helped me build confidence. I am currently in Strathmore University under a scholarship programme studying a degree in Hospitality Management. Being in a day school has impacted my age mates and neighbours as they have seen my transformation over the last 5 years. Ihave been able to pass on what I have learnt to others in my community. Peperuka scholars graduates, thank you to the donors.
After Class 8 I got an admission letter to join State House girls. My parents could not have afforded State House Girls so they quickly got me a cheaper school in the village. In the meantime, my application for a Scholarship at Kianda School came through and I was so excited. I must say this: Kianda School takes the time to get to know you as a person and bring out the best in you despite your circumstances. When I joined Form One it was not easyfor me to talk to people; first because I was not confident and second, because everyone spoke English and I was not used to this. to persevere in my studies despite the challenges. If I had not passed my KCSE well enough to make it tothe regular programme, I would not have gone to university education (art) in English literature.
I am currently a 2nd year student at Masinde Muliro University studying a Bachelor of Through the Tutorial system, I was taught how to interact with other girls and to speak confidently in public. Kianda also helped me build my singing talent. I will never forget my first public solo performance! Kianda taught me how to work hard and how.
I would like to thank Kianda School with all my heart for the impact you have made in my life and the lives of all the other girls who have passed through the Peperuka Scholarship Scheme. Today, I am who I am because Kianda took time to mould me through its quality education and also through the well-designed formation program. I will forever be indebted to Kianda School. My gratitude is extended to all my teachers who taught us selflessly,wholeheartedly and my Tutor, who spent many hours helping me to gel into the new school culture and high standards. I am currently pursuing CPA in Strathmore University under a Scholarship programme after which I will pursue a Bachelor of Commerce (Exempt) option in the regular program.
I would not be where I am if it were not for the seed patiently sown in me, which is already bearing fruit. Thank you for your love, support and dedication.
This made me realise that everyone has something to give and that despite my family’s financial situation, I could still help others. I am currently at the University of Nairobi studying a Bachelors in Commerce.
After passing KCPE, I got an admission letter to Parklands Girls but my disappointment came when it became clear that my parents could not afford to take me there. Kianda’s Peperuka scholarship came just in time. The friendly atmosphere in Kianda helped me to blend in well. Apart from academics I was able to acquire soft skills and my personality blossomed under the guidance of the teachers and my Tutor. Then, I didn’t think I stood out, but now, at the University, I realise that I learnt so much and I really appreciate what Kianda gave me. The culture of Kianda School is so unique and it makes you outstanding in the ordinary things you have to do every day. While in Kianda I learnt to give my time to others through the Social Work programs organised during the holidays.
After Class 8, I got an admission letter to Aga Khan High School. My parents could not have afforded it but the Peperuka scholarship at Kianda School saved the day. In my first year at Kianda, I was scared and a little intimidated, but with time and after attending the talks of formation and tutorials, I was able to get out of myself and focus better on my studies. The unique feature I found in Kianda is the way the system seeks to develop the students in an all-round way.
It’s not all just about books! The student-teacher relationship and the school environment were very welcoming. Kianda helped me grow inall ways, but most impacting in my life is the idea that work is a form of worship, which I have carried with me. The Public Speaking Club and Leadership courses helped me overcome my shyness. Due to all these aspects, I have been able to integrate well at the university. I am in University of Nairobi as a regular student, studying a Bachelors in Biology and under Scholarship programme in Strathmore University studying CPA, in the evening classes. Kianda gave my dreams shape and names.
I went to Gatina Primary School in Kangemi. My parents would not have managed to take me through High school comfortably without me being in and out of the school. So, I was so happy when I qualified to be a Peperuka scholar. When I joined Kianda School, I noted that everybody is treated equally and this made me feel very comfortable. During my time in Kianda, I would go to Gatina Primary School during the holidays to give inspirational talks to the upper classes and to encourage the students to work hard and to have dreams for a better future.
I would also give them talks on virtues, which we were given in Kianda. These virtues have been a great help in my campus life. I learnt spirit of service in Kianda and I always feel willing to help others where I can, because I have also received help as a scholarship student. Currently during weekends and when I am on holiday,I volunteer for an NGO that takes care of orphans. I am currently at the University of Nairobi studying a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Psychology and Performing Arts in the regular programme.
After my KCPE my family was relieved to learn that I got a scholarship to join Kianda. It was a great opportunity for me. The Kianda environment was very conducive for my personal development. At first I was so timid about interacting with people from very different social backgrounds and I wondered if I would ever fit in. But I must say through the talks and tutorials sessions given to us, I was able to fit in comfortably and to become shockingly confident and bold. Studying at Kianda School has made me know the value of hard work and integrity in all I do. I was also taught to have a balanced life where all aspects are developed.
I thank my tutor for journeying with me to bring out the best in me. Getting the chance to be in Kianda made me realize that my background situation does not define or dictate who I am; it has helped me rise above the bar. I am currently in Strathmore University studying a Bachelor of Commerce benefiting from the KIVA loan. I have gotten the chance to change my family’s history.
We as the parents of Jane Gachahi are so grateful for the Peperuka scholarship which Kianda offered to our daughter. Jane passed well in her K.C.P.Eand got an admission letter to Limuru Girls. We could not afford to take her there so as we were sourcing for an alternative School, we got the Kianda School Scholarship offer. We can say confidently that our daughter has been moulded to be an all-round person, through the tutorial programme which helped us monitor her growth in all aspects. Jane is our second born daughter and when we compare her to our first born daughter, who schooled in a boarding school, we feel so proud to have had the chance and experience of watching our daughter develop, become responsible and transform from term to term. We feel she now has deep rooted virtues and life skills to help her go through University without us worrying much about her.Back at home most of our neighbours call her to give guidance to their children; we realize she is a role model to most of the children in our neighbourhood. One unique thing we have had from Kianda School as parents are the Parenting courses offered to help us develop as a family and look after the children at every stage. We were helped to re-evalutate our role as parents and we were given skills and techniques which have helped us as a family. We also use the ideas from these sessions to counsel and give guidance to couples and children in our church. As we live in Kangemi, which is in the neighbourhood of Kianda School, the people in our community feel that the scholarship offer has opened big doors for their daughters to go to a good High School. We pray that the Scholarship offer will continue growing and help more financially challenged families to educate their daughters. Jane is now in Machakos University studying a Bachelors in Commerce and we are happy she managed to get in to the regular programme as we cannot afford otheroptions.
Kianda School, a project of Kianda Foundation launched a funds drive three years ago. A cross -section of parents and staff got together and decided to come up with a permanent solution to giving scholarships as a way of celebrating the 50 years of Kianda Foundation – an Endowment Fund whose target is Ksh 100 million. The proceeds of this Fund would allow Kianda to offer scholarships in a sustainable manner, and thus allow many gifted girls to learn and prosper.
The funds drive adopted the name Peperuka for the scheme (Swahili for To Soar Upwards) in the belief that both the scholarship and regular girls would soar upwards in all aspects of their development as a result of this project. As at July 2013 the Fund stood at Ksh 31m and there are 45 girls on scholarship benefitting from the funds raised so far.
The second phase of the fund drive is to invite corporate sponsorship. There are four levels of Corporate Peperuka Sponsorship – gold, silver bronze and pearl.
We recognize that your organization attaches great importance to youth development in this country. It is in this regard that we invite you to join us and contribute as a Corporate Sponsor to this Fund. Your contribution will help talented young girls achieve their full potential, significantly changing their lives and their communities. In addition, your contribution will attract exciting brand visibility opportunities as provided in the sponsorship bouquets detailed below.
We look forward to partnering with you on this worthy cause as we give hope to those less fortunate than ourselves.
All contributions are most welcome and will be acknowledged. Cheques should be made out to Kianda School.
Brand Visibility Opportunities for Corporate Sponsorship
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?
Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of Kenya and Kianda School alumna, was named Patron of the Kianda School Peperuka Endowment Fund. The fund aims to raise Ksh 100 million to offer scholarships to gifted girls in a sustainable manner.
As of July 2013, the fund has raised Ksh 31 million and supports 45 girls on scholarship.
We invite corporate organizations to join us as sponsors, with four levels of sponsorship
Package | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Pearl |
Amount | Ksh 5,040,000 | Ksh 3,360,000 | Ksh 2,520,000 | Ksh 1,680,000 |
Educates | 6 girls for 4 years | 4 girls for 4 years | 3 girls for 4 years | 2 girls for 4 years |
Plaque displayed permanently on the Commemorative Board in the School Hall:
Plaque displayed permanently on the Commemorative Board in the School Hall:
We look forward to partnering with you on this worthy cause. All contributions are welcome and will be acknowledged. Cheques should be made out to Kianda School.
Sponsor a Girl. Pay the fees for a student for 4 years.
Details:The sponsorship fees: Peperuka Scholars pay an amount towards the fees. This depends on their financial situation. (Fees may increase a little over the 4 year period.)
Once potential sponsors have indicated that they would like to sponsor a girl they will be invoiced for the fees each term, or if they would like to pay at a go, then for the 4 years.
Payment Mode:
1. Cheque made out to Kianda School.
2. Directly into the Kianda account.
Swift code – SBICKENX
Bank code – 031000
Branch code – 31007
Bank Account Name: Kianda School
Bank Name: CFC Stanbic
Bank Branch: Chiromo
Bank Account No.: 0100000038053
Kindly send the remittance advice slip to Kianda School.
For more information please contact Angela Mutua (Mrs.) at the Scholarship on
Thank you All for making A Real Difference
Kianda School is a project of Kianda Foundation which was founded by The late Mary Mahoney, Margaret Curran, Olga Marlin and Terese Temes, so it is clear in my mind that thanking these four ladies is of utmost importance. We extend our sincere gratitude for it is from their actions that Kianda is what it is and the reason for the marathon.
Such an event cannot be executed within a short period of time. The wheels started rolling months prior to the event. It required extensive planning which brought together the committee members and class champions to help in this noble cause.
Appreciation to the School Board led by the chair Dr. Caesar Mwangi, the Academic Council led by the Principal Miss Joan Odera, the alumni led by Prof. Anne Muigai, the committee members led by Mr. Ken Maina , class champions, parents, students, and well wishers – giving your time is as valuable as monetary contribution.
We thank our Chief Guest, Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta, for gracing the occasion to flag off the marathon. We are grateful to the organizing team from the Office of the First Lady: Ms. Viviane, Ms. Evah and Mr. Githinji for the coordination to make this day a success.
I wish to make a special mention of Hon. Tim Wanyonyi, and we thank him profusely for his generous donation and support not only to the marathon but to many other projects that the school has had over the years.
To the teacher and non -teaching staff, wow! What can we say? You graced the event through your dedication to this cause which you championed especially among the students.
The dress down Fridays conceived and executed by them was not only a great fundraising idea but it remains a source of great amusement.
A very special recognition and gratitude goes to the students. They demonstrated the most enthusiasm for the cause. They reminded the parents daily to stay on the path, led by their captains in their respective houses. We saw them jam and dance to Zumba. They sold merchandise and championed different ways to raise funds. They truly made the build up to the marathon memorable. All this without losing focus on their studies. It was heartwarming and I thank them profusely.
To the parents of Kianda who have been the primary source of resources for the scholarship fund thus far. Please accept our deepest gratitude.
A special thanks to David Thuo our head of logistics and his team who did an amazing job coordinating and planning the actual marathon.
Our sponsors & Friends from Radio Africa Group, Kenya Airport Authority, Unga feeds ,Meditest , Octagon ,Kingdom Bank, Safetrac, Coca Cola together with our service providers Generation Creations who printed our beautiful T-shirts and all others who contributed to the success of the event, we thank you profusely.
Thank you for your support and participation in the 2021 Peperuka Marathon. We could not have done it without you. Our mission continues because of your generosity. God bless you all.