Why Kianda - Kianda School


a. All Round Education
The education given at Kianda embraces the main fundamental aspects of a person’s development: Intellectual, Spiritual and Human.

  • Intellectual Formation
    The school follows the Continuous Assessment Test (C.A.T.) system, which enables the staff and the parents to maintain a close follow up of each student’s progress. The School has a well-stocked library and computer laboratory, established with the aim of cultivating a reading culture and enhance competence in current technology respectively. In addition to this the school has well equipped up-to-date laboratories and cookery room.
  • Human Formation
    The Tutorial System
    This is a unique feature offered by the school whereby each student is allocated a tutor/mentor. This is a member of staff who guides the student in her academics, and character formation.

    Character Formation/Personality Development
    Time and effort is dedicated towards forming the students in Christian virtues through seminars and talks. They are helped to foster a spirit of service at home and in school. A lot of guidance is given to building strong moral values, responsibility and diligence, emotional stability, participation in school life, sociability and friendliness. Development of leadership skills is also fostered. 

    • Etiquette
      The students are also taught about social, table and office etiquette; deportment – care for appearance and personal habits; the art of public speaking and getting along with people.

    Building Social Concern
    Kianda encourages its students to assist the less privileged members of society. Each student is encouraged to participate in social activities organized by the school. This gives the girls a holistic view in their role as members of the society.