The Kianda School Sports Complex project is a visionary, parent-led initiative that began with a proposal to improve the Hockey Pitch, evolving into a comprehensive plan for a modern sports complex. This development aligns with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) requirements and aims to support students’ holistic growth through improved sports and wellness facilities.
A group of Kianda parents volunteered to support the school in planning and fundraising for this project. They set up 3 committees for this purpose: A Steering Committee to set the project’s direction; A Technical Team to work with architects and engineers to plan and design; A Fundraising Team to focus on securing the necessary financial support.
The complex will serve multiple purposes like enhancing student wellness, physical education, and CBC-compliant learning experiences.
This project reflects the school community’s commitment to excellence and holistic development for every Kianda student.The Kianda School Sports Complex will be.
CBC Compliance: The CBC curriculum emphasizes physical development, requiring well-equipped facilities to support physical education for Junior and Senior Secondary students.
Comprehensive Sports Facilities: The complex provides various athletic facilities to nurture students’ talents across sports.
Community Building: This project strengthens collaboration between parents, alumni, and school administration, creating a legacy for future students.