June 2, 2023



May is the month dedicated to Our Lady, Mary the mother of God.  This month each class did a pilgrimage to different shrines of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel, Komarock, Resurrection Garden, Consolata Shrine and Tigoni.

At the end of the month, on 31st May, the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady to her cousin Elizabeth, the School had a Marian afternoon.  This consisted of the recitation of the Rosary with hymns of Our Lady between each decade.

It began at 2:30 with the Grade school students.  They recited one decade of the rosary.  Before the decade, they put in many intentions. As they left the chapel, the choir sang.

Then the Upper Primary school students came and also said one decade with their intentions. 

Finally, the Secondary and Junior Secondary students came to the chapel.  They recited the whole rosary. At the end of the rosary, the choir sang another hymn.  The afternoon was beautiful and the statue of our Lady was surrounded with countless roses and flowers that resembled a garden in paradise.